V ponedeljek, 1. junija, je s tiskovno konferenco in otvoritvijo razstave potekal uvod v Paradni teden 2015 (6. – 13. 6. 2015), ki se bo zaključil s Parado ponosa v soboto, 13. junija. Se vidimo!
░░ Ponedeljek 1.6. ░░
11:00 Tiskovna konferenca, (KUD)
20:00 PRED DOGODEK: LGBTIQ slikarska razstava “Homo Familyus”, (KUD)
░░ Sobota 6.6. – Petek 12.6. ░░
10:00 – 19.00 SPREMLJEVALNI PROGRAM: LGBTIQ+ Knjižnica pod krošnjami, (ŠKUC, Stari trg 21)
░░░░░░░░░░░░░ PRIDE WEEK ░░░░░░░░░░░░░
░░ Sobota 6.6.░░
10:00 – 15:00 Mavrični Brunch (Pritličje)
11:00 – 14:00 Mavrične ustvarjalnice za otroke (Pritličje)
11:30 – 14:00 LGBTIQ+ turistična tura po Ljubljani (English and Slovenian option)
21:00 Koncerti Open-air // Tus Nua (Zg) (Metelkova mesto)
23:00 After (Klub Monokel & Klub Tiffany)
░░ Nedelja 7.6. ░░
13:00 Lezbični piknik (Orehov gaj)
13.00 Gejevski piknik
░░ Ponedeljek 8.6. ░░
19:00 Razprava: “Vpliv Parade ponosa na pravni položaj LGBTIQ+ oseb na Balkanu” (Cafe Kolaž)
░░ Torek 9.6. ░░
20:00 Okrogla miza na osrednjo temo Parade 2015 – “Podpiram, torej delujem?” (Kino Šiška)
░░ Sreda 10.6. ░░
21:00 Kabaret Tiffany (Klub Tiffany)
░░ Četrtek 11.6. ░░
14:00 – 19:00 Živa knjižnica (Stari Trg)
20:00 Koncert Popsch (Dunaj) (Cafe Kolaž)
░░ Petek 12.6. ░░
21:00 Video večer in projekcija dokumentarca “15 let Parade ponosa v Sloveniji” (Pritličje)
22:00 Through my speakers (Berlin), (Pritličje)
░░ Sobota 13.6. ░░
Ljubljana Pride 2015
17:00 Zbor udeleženk/cev (Metelkova mesto)
18:00 – 19:00 Povorka (po Masarykovi in Slovenski cesti do Novega Trga)
19:00 – 22:00 Zaključni program (Novi Trg, Ljubljana)
23:00 Zaključna zabava (Klub Tiffany, Klub Monokel, Metelkova mesto)
Nastopajoči: Dubais (Portland/Berlin/Antwerp), Evol Ai & Mother Band (Slo) Warbear (Gegen Berlin), Karina Qanir (Gegen Berlin), Duki (Slo), Protein (Slo), Dick & Greta (Slo), Jadry B2B Snupee B2B Guilty Eve (Slo)
Monday, 1st June
11:00 Press Conference (KUD France Prešeren)
Public presentation of the Pride Week and Pride Parade programme
Contextualisation of the 2015 Pride theme “PRIDEm z družino” (I am bringing my family)
Launch of video support statements from public personas
20:00 LGBTIQ+ exhibition “Homo Familyus” (KUD France Prešeren – pre-event)
opening of an art exhibition with reception
DJ event
Saturday 6th June until Friday 12th June
10:00 – 19:00 LGBTIQ+ Library under the trees (in front of Galerija Škuc)
Books available for reading from the publishing houses Vizibilija and Lambda
serves as Pride info point
Saturday, June 6th
10:00 – 15:00 Rainbow Brunch at Pritličje (Mestni trg)
Welcome all supporters, family members and friends of LGBTIQ+ people – supporters of a society based on freedom and equality
11:00 – 14:00 Rainbow creative workshops for children at Pritličje (Mestni trg)
For all you parents who would like to join our LGBTIQ+ tours of Ljubljana, enjoy a nice chat with friends while having the brunch and simply brighten up the day of your young ones – we prepared a special creative animation
11:30 – 13:30 LGBTIQ+ guided tour of Ljubljana (English and Slovenian option)
11:15 meeting in from of the City Hall (Mastni trg)
finish between 13:30 and 14:00
21:00 Open-air concert // Tus Nua (Zagreb, Croatia) (Metelkova mesto)
23:00 After party (Klub Monokel & Klub Tiffany)
Sunday, 7th June
13.00 Lesbian picnic (Orehov gaj)
applications can be submitted at Pritličje, Cafe Kolaž of on-line
price: 10 EUR until June 1st, 15 EUR after June 1st, 5 EUR for children over 10 years (younger children can come for free)
13:00 Gay picnic (Garden of Tiffany, Metelkova mesto)
Monday, 8th June
19:00 Public discussion: “Influence of Pride parades on the legal position of LGBTIQ+ people in the Balkans” (Cafe Kolaž)
Tuesday, 9th June
20:00 Round table on the main theme of Pride 2015 “I support, so I act?” (Kino Šiška)
Wednesday, 10th June
21:00 Cabaret (Club Tiffany)
Thursday, 11th June
14:00 – 19:00 Living Library (Cafe Kolaž, Galerija Škuc)
20:00 Concert Popsch (Vienna, Austria), (Cafe Kolaž)
Friday, 12th June
21:00 Video evening and the premiere of the documentary “15 years of Pride Parade in Slovenia” (Pritličje)
22:00 Through my speakers (Berlin), Pritličje
Saturday, 13th June
Ljubljana Pride 2015
17:00 Gathering of participants, Metelkova mesto
18:00 – 19:00 Parade through Masarykova and Slovenska street towards Novi Trg
19:00 – 22:00 Main Pride programme (Novi Trg, Ljubljana)
23:00 Closing party (Club Monokel, Club Tiffany)
Performers: Dubais (Portland/Berlin/Antwerp), Evol Ai & Mother Band (Slo) Warbear (Gegen Berlin), Karina Qanir (Gegen Berlin), Duki (Slo), Protein (Slo), Dick & Greta (Slo), Jadry B2B Snupee B2B Guilty Eve (Slo)