Vabimo vas k ogledu plesnega performansa Igor Sviderski: Ne bom več hodil tu
Povezava do Vimeo TUKAJ
plesna predstava
Čas sprememb. Puščam za seboj prostore polne preteklosti. Nekaj se končuje in novo začenja. Stopam korak za korakom. Naprej. Obred očiščenja in na novi poti. Najprej dva nato eden.
Ideja v glavi: Igor Sviderski
Gib in glas v telesu: Jernej Škof, Igor Sviderski
Magija svetlobe: Borut Bučinel
Manipulator tehnike: Miha Bizjak.
Projekt podpirajo: KUD Mreža, Društvo ŠKUC, DIC Kreatorij, Plesni Teater Ljubljana, KUD Pozitiv, Zavod Omrežje.
I SHALL NOT WALK THOSE SPACES AGAIN part 1 – dance performance
Time of changes. I shall not walk those spaces full of the past again. The cycle is at its end. Its a new beginning. Step by step. Movement by movement. The ritual of cleaning and healing. New ways to discover. First two, later one walks alone.Thirty years of creativity. Three decades. Three different dance performances. Each one independent and yet part of the whole.
The crew:
Idea and choreographycal space interventions: Igor Sviderski
Body movement, breath and voice: Jernej Škof, Igor Sviderski
Illuminator of the space: Borut Bučinel
Techical wizardry: Miha Bizjak.
Project is supported by: KUD Mreža, Društvo ŠKUC, DIC Kreatorij, Plesni Teater Ljubljana, KUD Pozitiv, Zavod Omrežje.
The crew:
Idea and choreographycal space interventions: Igor Sviderski
Body movement, breath and voice: Jernej Škof, Igor Sviderski
Illuminator of the space: Borut Bučinel
Techical wizardry: Miha Bizjak.
Time of changes. I shall not walk those spaces full of the past again. The cycle is at its end. Its a new beginning. Step by step. Movement by movement. The ritual of cleaning and healing.
Project is supported by:
KUD Mreža, Društvo ŠKUC, Station- service for contemporary dance (Belgrade, Srbia), DIC Kreatorij, Plesni Teater Ljubljana, KUD Pozitiv, Zavod Omrežje.