Izšla je nova, 6. številka kritičnega teoretsko-umetniškega časopisa Reartikulacija.
V njem lahko ponovno prebirate odlične prispevke aktivistk
- Nataše Velikonja: Lezbična revizija (v rubriki Lezbični bar) in
- Tatjane Greif: Evrogrehi in nova inkvizicija (v rubriki Queer).
Časopis izdaja v tiskani in spletni obliki Društvo za sodobno kreativnost HCHO.
Veliko užitkov pri branju!
A new, sixth edition of the critical theoretical-artistic newspaper Rearticulation has been brought to public.
Therein two great articles can be read which are written by the following activists:
- Natasa Velikonja: Lesbian revision (under the label Lesbian bar) and
- Tatjana Greif: Euro-sins and the new inquisition (under the label Queer).
The newspaper is published by the Society for Contemporary Creativity HCHO.
Enjoy the reading!