Koncert Kelly Zullo

Kulturni center Q (kluba Monokel in Tiffany)
vabi v petek, 7.5.2010, ob 22h na koncert ameriške glasbenice Kelly Zullo.

Na svoji prvi truneji po Evropi nam bo Kelly Zullo z eklektično energičnim solo nastopom s pomočjo funky akustične kitare sporočala svojo filozofijo.

“Kelly Zullo is playing her instrument as percussion and guitar at once, her tribal strumming and singing at once create a unique and passionate slant on the singer song-writer that doesn’t reiterate the norm. Invoking to-the-point anecdotes on life paired with an aggressive, passionate guitar/ dance-beat, the usually delicate singer song-writer set is renewed into a fresh paradigm, painting the human foibles, defeats, and hope with just a voice and guitar.”

Po koncertu sledi zabava.

Vstopnina: 3 eur.


Dogodek podpira Mestna občina Ljubljana – Urad za mladino. Kulturni center Q (kluba Monokel in Tiffany)

invite on Friday, May 7th, at 23.00 to the concert of american musician Kelly Zullo.

“On her first European tour, playing at Klub Monokel, Ljubljana, May 7, 2010 8 pm, as an eclectic energetic solo act, Kelly Zullo mixes philosophy with quirky funky acoustic guitar. Playing her instrument as percussion and guitar at once, Kelly’s tribal strumming and singing at once create a unique and passionate slant on the singer song-writer that doesn’t reiterate the norm. Invoking to-the-point anecdotes on life paired with an aggressive, passionate guitar/ dance-beat, the usually delicate singer song-writer set is renewed into a fresh paradigm, painting the human foibles, defeats, and hope with just a voice and guitar.”

Entrance fee: 3 eur.


The event is supported by the City of Ljubljana – Youth office.

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