Ljudje mačke! Val Lewton za RKO

ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q (Klub Tiffany)

vabi na filmski večer LJUDJE MAČKE! VAL LEWTON ZA RKO,
v četrtek, 5.7.2012, ob 20h.

Ljudje mačke predstavlja prvo sodelovanje med producentom Valom Lewtonom in pisateljem DeWittom Bodeenom. Skupaj sta ustvarila serijo horror produkcij za RKO, ki povezuje klasične horror filme 30. let z noir filmi 40. let na osnovi psihološke groze. Njuni filmi opisujejo paranoičen in pesimističen svet, kjer se tradicionalne spolne vloge nenehno spreminjajo, kar omogoča kompleksna razmišljanja o spolni naravi človeka. Od tega filma dalje bo Lewton odgovoren za nastanek več filmov, v katerih lahko zasledimo queer podtekst, ne nujno homofobičen, saj so pošasti na prvi pogled normalne, njihova monstruoznost pa se skriva v njihovi skrivnostnosti, kar je za tisti čas edinstveno.

LJUDJE MAČKE (ZDA, 1942), režija: Jacques Tourneur

Irena Dubrovna (Simone Simon) je mlada srbska imigrantka, ki dela kot oblikovalka za modno podjetje. Nekega dne med risanjem panterja v živalskem vrtu spozna ladijskega strojnika Oliverja Reeda (Kent Smith), s katerim se spusti v razmerje, in sprva se zdi, da jima gre dobro. A kmalu Oliver odkrije, da ima Irena odpor do kakršnegakoli telesnega stika zaradi svoje obsesije s starodavno srbsko legendo o prekletstvu, zaradi katerega se, kot njeni predniki, spremeni v panterja, če ima spolni stik z moškim.

PREKLETSTVO LJUDI MAČK (ZDA, 1943), režija: Gunther Von Fritsch in Robert Wise

Nadaljuje se zgodba iz prvega dela: Oliver in njegova partnerka (Jane Randolph) zdaj živita v predmestju z Amy (Ann Carter), njuno sedemletno hčerko, ki ima zaradi svoje drugačnosti težave s spoznavanjem novih prijateljev. Nekega dne, ko teče za dečkom, ki jo zavrne, se znajde pred temno graščino, v kateri živita stara igralka in njena skrivnostna hči. Tam najde prstan, s katerim lahko komunicira z namišljeno prijateljico … duhom Irene (Simone Simon).

Po projekciji sledi pogovor, na katerem bomo izmenjevali možne interpretacije. Upamo, da boste uživali/e!

Organizacija: ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q
Dogodek podpira Mestna občina Ljubljana – Urad za mladino

ŠKUC – Cultural centre Q (Club Tiffany)

is inviting you to the queer movie night CAT PEOPLE! VAL LEWTON FOR RKO

on Thursday, 5 July 2012, at 20:00.


Cat people is the first cooperation between the producer Val Lewton and the writer DeWitt Bodeen. Together they made a series of horror productions for RKO that connect the classical horror movies of the 30’s with the noir films of the 40’s, using psychological terror. Their movies describe a paranoid and pessimistic world, where traditional gender roles are in a perpetual flux, allowing complex meditations on sexual human nature. From this film on, Lewton will be responsible for several films, usceptible for a queer subtext, not necessarily homophobic, because the monsters are apparently normal and their monstrosity resides in their secrecy, which is unique for those times.

CAT PEOPLE (USA, 1942) by Jacques Tourneur

Irena Dubrovna (Simone Simon) is a young Serbian immigrant who works as a designer for a fashion company. One day while drawing a panther at the zoo, she meets Oliver Reed (Kent Smith), a marine engineer, and they start a relationship, which at first seems to go fine. But soon, Oliver discovers that Irena has an aversion to any kind of physical contact because of her obsession with an ancient Serbian legend about a curse under which she, like her ancestors, must become a panther after sexual contact with a man.

THE CURSE OF THE CAT PEOPLE (USA, 1943) by Gunther Von Fritsch and Robert Wise

The plot continues with the story of the first part: Oliver and his partner (Jane Randolph) are now living in the suburbs with their seven-year-old daughter Amy (Ann Carter), who has some trouble making friends because of her different way of being. One day, running after a kid who rejects her, she arrives to a dark mansion, where an old actress and her mysterious daughter live. There she will find a ring that allows her to communicate with an imaginary friend … the spirit of Irena (Simone Simon).

After the screenings, we will share our interpretations of the movies. Hope you enjoy!


Queer film evenings are organized by SKUC – Cultural center Q

Event is supported by The Municipality of Ljubljana – Youth Office.

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