Družine kvirovskih pošasti

ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q (Klub Tiffany)

vabi na filmski večer DRUŽINE KVIROVSKIH POŠASTI, v četrtek 9.2.2012 ob 20h

Ideja o pojmu queer kot grožnji uveljavljenemu redu je vedno znova uporabljena za ustvarjanje vzdušja bojazni, tesnobe in groze v grozljivkah. Tako so zaradi svojega marginalnega in nenaravnega statusa pošasti kot metaforične konstrukcije Drugosti, ki ogroža status quo heteroseksistične normalnosti, zelo primerne za queer branja. Nerazumljene in marginalizirane pošasti, psihologi, ki ponujajo ozdravljenje queerovstva, poskus stvaritve življenja brez heteroseksualne reprodukcije z norim zdravnikom in njegovim pomočnikom, vampirke, ki ne morejo nadzorovati svojih nenaravnih impulzov… vse to in še več v DRUŽINAH QUEER POŠASTI, s projekcijo filmov:


FRANKENSTEINOVA NEVESTA (ZDA, 1935), režija James Whale

Drugi del filma Frankenstein (1931) je nadaljevanje zgodbe: pošast (Boris Karloff) in Dr. Frankenstein (Colin Clive) sta na koncu prvega dela preživela požar. Prvi se zateče v gozd, drugi pa se vrne domov, kjer ga obišče Dr. Pretorius (Ernst Thesiger), ki namerava ponoviti eksperiment, tokrat z namenom, da ustvari družico (Elsa Lanchester) za pošast.

DRAKULOVA HČI (ZDA, 1936), režija Lambert Hillyer

Drakulova hči predstavlja začetek prave sage filmov, ki temeljijo na adaptaciji kratke zgodbe Carmilla, avtorja Sheridana LeFanuja, ki jo je navdihnil mit o Krvavi grofici – Elizabeth Bathory, v katerih lezbištvo in vampirizem hodita z roko v roki. Zgodba se začne, ko grofica Zaleska (Gloria Holden), Drakulova hči, ukrade truplo svojega očeta in ga zažge, da bi se osvobodila njegovega zlega vpliva. A njene vampirske tendence s požigom ne izginejo. Zaleska na zabavi po naključju spozna psihiatra, Dr. Jeffreyja Gartha (Otta Krugerja). Psihiater jo privlači in prosi ga, naj ji pomaga, da se znebi obsesije, ki jo muči.

Po projekciji sledi pogovor, na katerem bomo izmenjevali možne interpretacije. Upamo, da boste uživali/e!

Organizacija: ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q in Društvo DIH

Dogodek podpira Mestna občina Ljubljana – Urad za mladino

ŠKUC-Cultural centre Q (club Tiffany) is inviting you to a Queer film night: Queer monster families.

Thursday, 8.00 pm, in Club Tiffany.

The idea of queerness as a threat to the established order has been used repeatedly in horror films to create situations of anxiety, anguish and terror. Therefore, the marginal and unnatural status of the monster as a metaphorical construction of Otherness, threatening the status quo of the heterosexist normality, makes it very suitable for queer readings. Misunderstood and marginalized monsters, psychologists who offer the cure for queerness, the attempt of creating life without heterosexual reproduction with a mad doctor and his male assistant, female vampires who cannot control their unnatural impulses… all this and much more in QUEER MONSTER FAMILIES, with the projection of films:



The sequel to Frankenstein (1931) is the continuation of the story: the monster (Boris Karloff) and Dr. Frankenstein (Colin Clive) have survived the fire at the end of the first part. The first takes refuge in a forest, while the second comes back home, where he receives a visit from Dr. Pretorius (Ernst Thesiger), who intends to repeat the experiment, this time with the intention of creating a mate (Elsa Lanchester) for the monster.

DRACULA’S DAUGHTER (USA, 1936) by Lambert Hillyer

Dracula’s Daughter begins a true saga of films based on the adaptation of the novella Carmilla by Sheridan LeFanu, inspired by the myth of the Bloody CountessElizabeth Bathory, in which lesbianism and vampirism walk hand in hand. The story begins when Countess Zaleska (Gloria Holden), Dracula’s daughter, steals the corpse of her father and burns it to free herself from his evil influence. However, her vampire tendencies do not disappear with the incineration. By chance, Zaleska meets the psychiatrist Dr. Jeffrey Garth (Otto Kruger), at a party. Attracted to him, she asks him to help her get rid of the obsession that haunts her.

After the screenings, we will share our interpretations of the movies. Hope you enjoy!

Queer film evenings are organized by SKUC – Cultural center Q and DIH Association

The project is supported by Municipality of Ljubljana – Office of Youth

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