BDSM Workshop

bdsm delavnica


  • četrtek | 26. maja 2022 - petek | 27. maja 2022
  • 16:00 - 20:00
  • Klub Tiffany, Masarykova 24, 1000 Ljubljana

V sodelovanju z MC Legebitra vas vabimo na dvodnevno BDSM delavnico, ki jo gostimo v Klubu Tiffany. Delavnica se bo izvajala v četrtek in petek, 26. in 27. maja, od 16. do 20. ure. Delavnica bo potekala v angleškem jeziku.

Veseli_e bomo vašega obiska!

BDSM is a topic shrouded in secrecy, stigma and stereotypes, and yet it is loved by many across the world. Many people get into it without being educated beforehand, usually getting their references from negative sources such as bad media representation or pornography.

The goal of this 2 day workshop is to sit down and have an open, non-judgemental conversation about it, as well as gain some education on how to safely and comfortably express and practice our “atypical” desires.

People of all experiences and levels of knowledge welcomed!

The workshop will be held in english.

Apply here:



16:00 – 16:20 – Introduction

16:20 – 17:20 – Short history and definition of BDSM. How we’ve learned about it and how it’s perceived in media, talking about its presentation. Psychosocial reasons for arising. Myths and truths.

17:20 – 17:30 – Break.

17:30 – 18:30 – CBSN (consent, boundaries, safewords and negotiation). Safety, protection, disinfection, care of toys and equipment. Introduction to SSC (safe sane consensual). Conversation about safety, pain and contrapolarity as well as mental and physical disability in BDSM. Introduction to RACK (risk aware consensual kink). Fantasy vs. practice.

18:30 – 18:40 – Break.

18:40 – 19:30 – Different forms of BDSM, such as non-sexual and with oneself. Sharing horror and wholesome stories within our BDSM experiences. All about aftercare.

19:30 – 20:00 – Destress session and post-workshop hangout.


16:00 – 16:20 – Checking in.

16:20 – 17:20 – Types of relationships (monogamy, monogamish, polyamory, polygamy, swinging, cuckoldry, kink dynamics such as master/slave, owner/pet, 24/7 power exchange and so on) and how they could affect or be affected in BDSM. Gender and sex in BDSM. How to bring up the topic with friends, partners and become more accepting of it within yourself.

17:20 – 17:30 – Break.

17:30 – 18:30 – Roles and roleplaying dynamics, kink dynamics. Risks and benefits. Approaching high risk play.

18:30 – 18:40 – Break.

18:40 – 19:30 – How to set the scene. Domspace and subspace and how to achieve / get out of them. Limits. Setting rules, rituals, contracts and protocols.

19:30 – 20:00 – Kink communities and websites, sharing resources. Destress session and post-workshop hangout.


The event will be held in Klub Tiffany, with taking into account all current preventive measures to curb the spreading of COVID-19.

Event participants disinfect / wash their hands, as well as take into account any other measures that will be valid at the time of the event.

Thank you for your understanding.

The event is co-financed by the Municipality of Ljubljana (MOL).

The activities, programs and projects of Association Cultural, Informational And Counseling Center Legebitra are co-financed by the Foundation for the Financing of Disability and Humanitarian Organizations in the Republic of Slovenia – FIHO. The views of the organization do not reflect the views of FIHO.

Program Kulturnega centra Q poleg lastnega vložka podpirajo Urad za mladino in Oddelek za socialno varstvo Mestne občine Ljubljana, Urad Republike Slovenije za mladino in JAK.

ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q obvešča:

Klub Tiffany predstavlja varen prostor, ki ga sooblikujemo vsi_e, namenjen GLBTQ skupnosti. Prav tako se ne tolerira homofobije, bifobije, transfobije, seksizma, nacionalizma, rasizma in drugih oblik zatiranj.

Vse obiskovalke_ce prosimo, da to upoštevajo in hkrati opozorijo ekipo na pojav nasilja. To lahko storite osebno ali nam pišete na in FB stran Klub Tiffany.

Naše dejavnosti lahko podprete z donacijami na različne načine.

Za vašo podporo se iskreno zahvaljujemo.


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