- sobota | 22. junija 2019 - nedelja | 23. junija 2019
- 23:00 - 05:00
- Masarykova cesta 24 1000 Ljubljana
(English below)
DJ program
Klub Monokel:
Deena Abdelwahed
Warrego Valles
Luka Volk
Klub Tiffany:
Dj Naj
Deena je začela svojo glasbeno kariero kot del kolektiva World Full of Bass v Tunisu ter jo nadaljevala v kolektivu Arabsazy. Leta 2016 je spoznala ekipo InFiné in nastopala v klubih, na festivalih in klubskih večerih, kot so Concrete (kjer je zdaj hišna DJ-ka), Boiler Room, Villette Sonique, Wet for Me, CMT (»Hail Mother Internet«), Room for Resistance, Saüle (Berghain) in Rewire Festival.
Deena je nedvomno postavila Tunizijo na mednarodni zemljevid elektronske glasbe, vendar je ne bi bilo prav kategorizirati zgolj na podlagi njenih korenin, saj je tipična predstavnica globalne generacije, ki je doma na internetu in za katero so meje zastarel koncept. Poleg tega je Deena glasbena samoukinja, saj ni želela čakati, da bi ji bilo znanje prinešeno pod nos.
Želi si odkriti zvok prihodnosti in za svojo mešalno mizo ne diskriminira glede geografskega porekla. Njeni DJ nastopi na široko odpirajo vrata njenemu raziskovalnemu laboratoriju, kjer se igra z mejo med klubsko in avantgardno glasbo in še neslišanimi ritmi iz subkulturnih robov.
Prihodnost, ki jo gradi, temelji na pozivu, naj se zbudimo iz patološke ravnodušnosti, ki pustoši po naši zagrenjeni dobi – v Deenine transspolne hibridne mikse se prebije samo sveža in predrzna glasba. Vendar pa je treba njene DJ-ske podvige ločevati od njenega skladateljskega dela, ki ga zaznamuje človeška in umetniška iskrenost.
Kot DJ-ka si ne zastavlja mej in uporabi vse, kar ji lahko svet ponudi, njen skladateljski alter ego pa raziskuje notranje pokrajine in razkriva sledi zgodovine, iz katere se je Deena izoblikovala kot oseba in kot umetnica; samostvaritev iz frustracij in omejitev, rojenih iz nazadnjaškega mišljenja. To ni domena ne Vzhoda in ne Zahoda, Deena pa si ga neutrudno prizadeva razkriti in izničiti.
Njen prvenec Khonnar je izšel novembra 2018 in ustvarja točko preloma med Severom in Jugom in postrevolucionarni odgovor generacije, ki se emancipira, zaton vpliva Zahoda in patriarhata, novo dekolonializacijo … Deena je na čelu novih glasbenih pristopov in Khonnar je manifest generacije, ki se ne želi prilagajati ali biti všečna, generacije, ki je stisnjena v kot in ki si pospešeno jemlje nazaj nadzor nad lastno identiteto skupaj z vsemi izgubami in kaosom, ki jih to prinaša.
(English version)
DJ programme
Klub Monokel:
Deena Abdelwahed
Warrego Valles
Klub Tiffany:
Dj Naj
After starting out in Tunisia as part of the World Full of Bass collective, Deena went on to Toulouse to play with the Arabstazy collective. She met the InFiné team in 2016, quickly securing a range of tour dates from Concrete – of which she is still a resident – to Boiler Room, Villette Sonique, Wet for Me, CTM (“Hail Mother Internet“), Room for Resistance, Saüle (Berghain), and Rewire Festival.
Deena undoubtedly put Tunisia on the electronic music map, but it would be off-topic to categorize her on the basis of her origins alone: Deena is the archetype of a globalized generation of internet natives for whom borders are an outdated concept. This self-taught musician also didn’t wait to have her knowledge delivered to her on a silver platter.
What Deena wants is to discover the sound of the future, and regardless of geographic origins, all are welcome to the mixing board. Her DJ sets throw open the doors of her research laboratory, on the razor’s edge of club music and avant-garde, where only as-yet-unheard rhythms on the outer reaches of sub-cultures are allowed to come and play.
The foundation for this future that she is building is a wake-up call – an alarm, even – tuned to break the pathological indifference ravaging our jaded times: novelty and audacity are required to get even a shot at a place in Deena’s transgender, hybrid playlists. A human and artistic sincerity that is without fail feeds her work as a composer, which should be distinguished from her DJing endeavours.
Because while the DJ draws from all that the world has to offer, it is the inner landscapes that her composer alter-ego explores. Traces of the history from which Deena formed herself as an artist and a person are thus uncovered: a self-construction made of frustrations and constraints, borne of retrograde mindsets which are not the prerogative of either the East or the West, she tirelessly strives to expose and break down.
Her debut album, «Khonnar», released in November 2018, synthesizes a new tipping point between North and South, a post-revolution response from a connected generation that is in the process of emancipation; the decline in the influence of the West, but also of the patriarchy, a new decolonization… Deena is the figurehead of a new world order of musical creation. «Khonnar» is the manifesto of a generation that does not seek to please or to conform, but which pushes our backs to the wall, and abruptly takes back control of its identity, with all the inherent losses and chaos.