Kvir odtenki debelosti // Queer Shades of Fat


  • nedelja | 16. junija 2019
  • 19:30 - 22:00
  • Masarykova cesta 24 1000 Ljubljana

***Scroll down for the English version***

*19:30 – 20:00*

Ljudje, ki ne ustrezajo pričakovanim lepotnim idealom, obveljajo za umazane, grde, lene in prostaške. Debele kvir osebe, ki živijo svoja življenja, nosijo oblačila, ki jih ne bi smele, hodijo na plažo, so gole in ponosne na svoja debela telesa, v naši družbi zbujajo strah in neodobravanje.

S svojim nastopom želimo osvoboditi debelost iz krempljev grdote in razširiti naše razumevanje telesnega zdravja in lepote. Z nastopom želimo tudi spodbuditi druge debele kvir posameznice_ke, naj sprejmejo in cenijo svoja telesa, vse ostale pa pozvati k sprejemanju raznolikosti človeških teles. Ne bomo pustile_i, da številka na tehtnici določa našo vrednost.

Smo DEBELE_I in smo KVIR!


Avraam Vrohidis (GR), debel kvir aktivist, dolgoročen ESC prostovoljec pri Društvu Parada ponosa, ustanovitelj kolektiva »Fat Unicorns« v Atenah.
Irene Palmou (GR), debela kvir aktivistka, študentka psihologije, kratkoročna ESC prostovoljka pri Društvu Parada ponosa, članica kolektiva »Fat Unicorns«.
Linn J. Koletnik (SLO), Trans & LGBTIQ+ aktivist, direktor TransAkcije, debela, nebinarna, kvir oseba, ki verjame v zavzemanje prostora.

Koprodukcija: Zavod TransAkcija in Društvo Parada ponosa

*20:00 – 21.30*
Javna razprava: DEBEL_A NI GRDA BESEDA

Z gostjami_i :
Avraam Vrohidis (GR), Irene Palmou (GR), Julischka Stengele (AT/DE)

Večina članic_ov LGBTIQ+ skupnosti zelo dobro pozna nikoli zaključen proces razkritja. Ampak ali biti razkrit_a kot LGBTIQ+ ali kot katera druga identiteta iz naše mavrične skupnosti pomeni, da smo opravile_i s svojo kvoto razkritij? Če si hkrati tudi debel_a – ne. Iskanje našega najboljšega kvir debelega življenja na izredno seksualizirani LGBTIQ+ sceni je velik izziv in mnoge stiske debelih kvir oseb so za ne-debelo večino skupnosti nevidne.

Okrogla miza bo naslovila te izkušnje, predstavila primere normativnosti in škodljivosti dietne kulture ter ponudila razloge, zakaj se nam ni treba zgražati ob besedi »debel_a«. Kadar je ta beseda uporabljena spoštljivo, gre namreč za reclaiming – ki je naša kvir supermoč. Tematika debelosti v ljubljanski LGBTIQ+ skupnosti še nikoli ni bila javno naslovljena, zato vas vabimo, da pridete in izgubite kakšen predsodek (ne pa tudi kakšnega kilograma).

Moderacija: Linn Julian Koletnik, Zavod TransAkcija

(Dogodek bo potekal v angleškem jeziku)

Koprodukcija: Zavod TransAkcija in Društvo Parada ponosa

*20:00 – 21:30*
Nastop: Performance by Fat Femme Furious Julischka Stengele

“Moja neplačana služba za poln delovni čas je biti brezsramna debela kvir femica/feministka. Denar služim z nastopanjem, govorjenjem, pisanjem, ustvarjanjem podob in instalacij, vodenjem delavnic, govori, organiziranjem in kuriranjem performansov, stresanjem svojega špehca in slačenjem do golega.

Moje telo kot moja vsebina, material in razstavljeni predmet je ključno pri vsem mojem delu. Trenutno živim na Dunaju in delam povsod, kjer me pritegne.” Julischka Stengele (AT/DE)

***English version***

*19:30 – 20:00*
Performance: Queer Shades of Fat

Any person who deviates from the projected physical beauty standards is treated as being unhygienic, ugly, lazy, and lewd. Society is so afraid and almost offended to see fat queers living their lives, wearing clothes they should not, going to the beach, being naked, or reclaiming their fat bodies.

With our performance, we seek to liberate fatness from the imaginative shackles of ugliness and to broaden the terms of physical well-being and beauty. It is also a call to encourage other fat queers to accept and appreciate their bodies, and for all the others to start accepting diversity in bodies. Our value is not determined by the number on the scale.

We are FAT; we are QUEERS!

Avraam Vrohidis (GR), Fat Queer activist, Long-term ESC Volunteer at Ljubljana Pride, Founder of “Fat Unicorns” collective in Athens.
Irene Palmou (GR), Fat Queer activist, Psychology student, Short-term ESC Volunteer at Ljubljana Pride, Member of “Fat Unicorns”.
Linn J. Koletnik (SLO), Trans & LGBIQ+ activist, Director of TransAkcija, Fat, Nonbinary, Queer, Believes in taking up space.

Co-production: Ljubljana Pride Association and Zavod TransAkcija

*20:00 – 21:30*
*Public discussion: Fat is Not a Bad Word

With guests:
Avraam Vrohidis (GR), Irene Palmou (GR), Julischka Stengele (AT/DE)

Most members of the LGBTIQ+ community are very familiar with the never-ending process of coming out. But does coming out as LGBTIQ+ or any other identity under the rainbow umbrella mean we are off the hook? Nope, not if we are also fat. Navigating living our best queer fat lives in the heavily sexualized LGBTIQ+ scene is a big challenge and many struggles of fat queers remain invisible to the non-fat majority of the community.

The panel will discuss these experiences, present examples of the ways in which diet culture can be both normative and harmful, and offer reasons for not needing to cringe when you hear the word “fat”. When used with respect, it is an act of reclaiming – a superpower of the queers. Never before has the topic of fatness been discussed publicly in the LGBTIQ+ community in Ljubljana, so come shed some stereotypes without shedding a kilo.

Moderation: Linn Julian Koletnik, TransAkcija

(Event will be held in English language)

Co-production: Ljubljana Pride Association and Zavod TransAkcija


*21:30 – 22:00*
Performance by Fat Femme Furious Julischka Stengele

“My unpaid full-time job is being unapologetically fat, queer, and femme/inist. For money, I perform, speak, write, create images and installations, lead workshops, give talks, organise/curate performance events, shake my jelly, or get naked.

Being invested with my own body as content, material, and/or display is of high significance to everything I do. I’m currently based in Vienna and work in any place of interest.” Julischka Stengele (AT/DE)

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