Klub Tiffany (ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q) vas vabi na
The Eye of Tiffany v petek, 8.4.2011, od 23h dalje.
The piercing Eye of Tiffany is watching you.
Be prepared for Friday’s pop sensation of the month!!!
DJ Duki
Vstopnina 3eur (od 23.00 do 0.00 vstop prost) Club Tiffany (ŠKUC – Cultural Centre Q) is inviting you to the
The Eye of Tiffany on Friday, 8 April 2011, from 23h onwards.
The piercing Eye of Tiffany is watching you.
Be prepared for Friday’s pop sensation of the month!!!
Music: DJ Duki
Entry fee 3 eur (free admission from 23.00 to 0.00)