ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q / klub Tiffany vas vabi
v petek, 28.1.2011, ob 20h v klub Tiffany na drugi januarski Gay kinoklub.
Tokrat si bomo ogledali film Veliki gay muzikal.
Google Translator film interpretira takole:
“Paul in Eddie sta pravkar začeli predoglede za nov Off-Broadway mjuziklu Adam in Steve Samo Way Bog Made ‘Em. “Njihova življenja čudno ogledalo znaki se igrajo. Paul išče popoln človek in Eddie se ukvarja s tem, kako lahko svoje seksualnosti in vero premešamo. Po še en katastrofalne dating izkušenj, Paul je Sveti trije kralji. On je naredil dating in… hoče biti kurba, kot seksi chorus fantov, ki delijo njegovo garderobo. Eddie je povedati staršem, da mu je gej in se igra v kažejo, da zahteva biblija “žlahtniteljske Informacijsko Book of Living Primeri”. Eddie pride ven s svojo družino in Paul gre na Manhunt. Eddie starši so uničili novice in Paul niti ne more imeti dober za eno noč. Toda po glasbenih številk z scantly platirane angeli ples iz pipe, slikanici Geneze, tele-evangelisti, kamp, ki poskuša obrniti gay otroke naravnost, in kup showtunes, vsakdo se zaveda, da življenje postaja vse boljši, ko se strinjajo, kdo v resnici so. In so le način, kako Bog ’em…”.
Vabljeni/e! SKUC – Cultural center Q / club Tiffany is inviting
on Friday, 28.1.2011 at 20h at club Tiffany, to the second January Gay cinema club projection.
This time the projection of the Big gay musical will occur.
This is how Google Translator interprets the movie:
“Paul and Eddie have just begun previews for the new Off–Broadway musical “Adam and Steve Only Way God Made ‘Em. “Their lives strangely mirror the characters play. Paul is looking for the perfect man, and Eddie is dealing with this, how can their sexuality and religion mix. After yet another disastrous dating experience, Paul is epiphany. He has done dating and wants … be a slut as sexy chorus boys who share his wardrobe. Eddie has to tell parents that he is gay and is played in the show to ask the bible “Breeder’s Informational Book of Living Examples. “ Eddie comes out with his family and Paul goes on Manhunt. Eddie parents have destroyed News and Paul can not even be good for one night. But after musical numbers with scantly clad tap dancing angels, picture book of Genesis, tele–evangelists, camp, trying to turn gay kids straight, and a bunch of showtunes, everyone realizes that life gets better when they agree as to who they really are. And they only way to God ‘em …”
Warmly welcome!