ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q/ klub Monokel
vas vabi na Delavnico samoobrambe za ženske,
v ponedeljek, 14.6.2010, ob 19ih v klubu Monokel.
Ena ura, ki vam lahko spremeni življenje! Naučite se preprostih trikov za samoobrambo, tako v teoriji kot praksi! Telesna pripravljenost ni pomembna.:)
Delavnica bo potekala v angleškem jeziku.
V primeru lepega vremena se bo delavnica odvijala na vrtu. V primeru slabega pa v klubu, zato prinesite s seboj kakšno podlogo (armafleks,…).
Dogodek podpira MOL – Urad za mladino in socialo. ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q/ club Monokel
invite to the Self-defence workshop for women,
on Monday, June 14th 2010, at in club Monokel.
One hour that could change your life! Learn simple tricks to defend yourself, theory and practice! No need to be fit!
The workshop will be in English.
In case of good weather workshop will be held in the garden. Otherwise it will be in the club, so bring something for the dirty floor (mattress).
The event is supported by the City of Ljubljana – Youth office.