Ustanova • Slikback, A7ba-L-Jelly, mapalma


  • sobota | 16. marca 2019 - nedelja | 17. marca 2019
  • 23:00 - 06:00
  • Masarykova 24 1000 Ljubljana

/// ENG bellow

Po gostovanju Object blue in Deene Abdelwahed Ustanova koraka v novo serijo dogodkov s tujimi gosti z udarnim triom na dveh floorih. Gostili bomo DJ-ja in producenta kenijskih korenin Slikbacka, ki se je skupaj s prej omenjenima umetnicama uspel zavihteti na Mixmagovo lestvico “25 artists you need to watch in 2019”, DJ-ko in producentko Mapalmo s sestrske scene v Zagrebu in DJ-ko in vizualno umetnico A7ba-L-Jelly iz Kaira. Tokrat gre zares, Ustanova ne dovoli kompromisov.

Slikback je tipičen primer preseka hiperprodukcije in postmoderne v dobi interneta, saj je v slabih dveh letih sodelovanja pri famoznem festivalu Nyege Nyege, ki ga je vlada v Ugandi neuspešno poskusila celo prepovedati, in založbi Nyege Nyege Tapes ter Hakuna Kulala, uspel sproducirati kar 400 avtorskih komadov, v letu 2018 izdal svoj prvi EP Lasakaneku, konec februarja letos pa še Tomo. Njegov debitni nastop v Evropi na festivalu Unsound je Resident Advisor oklical za enega ključnih nastopov festivala, ki prikazuje razburljiv nov pristop do raziskovanja afriškega zvoka in ruši percepcijo dojemanja klubske kulture afriške vzhodne regije. Žanrsko težko opredeljen, uspešno v klubsko ozračje vdihuje nov veter eksperimentalnega eklekticizma, kjer se poigrava s footworkom, kudurom, breakom, drum’n’bassom, trapom in grimom, vse skupaj prežetim z občutkom novega futurističnega zvoka afriške celine, ki pronica skozi stene klubskega.

“The sweetest dopamine hit in music is the one where a sound stops you in your tracks, slackens your jaw, and makes you think: I have never heard anything like this. A first encounter with Slikback is a little bit like that.”

Philip Sherburne za Pitchfork: The 7 Best DJ Mixes of October 2018

Mapalma je DJ-ka in producentka iz Zagreba, ki je že sodelovala z imeni, kot so mobilegirl, Staycore in Santa Muerte. Hrvaška ambasadorka grima, trapa, kudura in ballrooma se lahko pohvali s komadi na kompilacijah založb Staycore in Classical Trax, mixi na Radar Radiu in NTS-u ter EP-jem Nightcap in lansko leto izdanim Crybaby. V zadnjem s pomočjo dekontekstualiziranega semplanja in umeščanja klubskih elementov uspešno raziskuje zvezo med naravo, tehnologijo in človekom.

Donia Shohdy, DJ-ka in vizualna umetnica, pod aliasom A7ba-L-Jelly (aka The Jelly Bitch), poskuša razbiti temelje tradicionalne plesne glasbe in raziskuje nepričakovane povezave med glasbenimi žanri in stili vrtenja ter konzumiranja glasbe, kjer se igra vse od heavy bassa, alien dance beatsov, dreamy ambientale in dekonstruiranih hip-hop komadov. Čeprav uspe premakniti mejo svoje ekspresivnosti dlje od začrtanega horizonta, se vedno znova vrača k tistemu, kar je važno – bit, ki te premakne. Donia je prav tako soustanoviteljica kolektiva in klubskih večerov “JellyZone”, konceptualnih zabav, ki iščejo vzporednice med manj tradicionalno plesno glasbo in klubom.

𝕜𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕟𝕒 𝕕𝕧𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕒 ⁽²³.⁰⁰ – ⁰⁶.⁰⁰⁾ + 𝕤𝕖𝕛𝕟𝕒 𝕤𝕠𝕓𝕒 ⁽²³.⁰⁰ – ⁰⁶.⁰⁰⁾:
• Slikback •
• A7ba-L-Jelly •
• mapalma •
• Warrego Valles •
• Maša •
• Estera •
• B L N •
• Commercial Break •
• Volk •

Pred klubskim dogodkom bo v soboto v Pritličju potekal tudi pogovor s Slikbackom.
Ustanova je družbena struktura, ki postavlja pravila za vedenje večje skupine ljudi. S pristojnostmi na plesišču poskuša posegati v javni prostor in ga vzgajati v skupnost.

Pravila plesišča niso arbitrarna, ampak jih sprejema in izvršuje zaupanja vredna skupnost. Prepovedano je vsakršno verbalno ali fizično nasilje, homofobija, transfobija, seksizem, nacionalizem, rasizem ali druge oblike zatiranj.
Klub Monokel + Klub Tiffany

Predprodaja v Pritličje:

Članarina na vratih:
8€ < 00:00 > 10€
/// 𝔼ℕ𝔾 𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟

After hosting Object blue and Deena Abdelwahed, Ustanova is taking a leap of faith with its new series of events by featuring a ferocious trio on two floors. We will be hosting DJ and producer of Kenyan roots Slikback, which has been, same as before mentioned artists, featured on Mixmag’s “25 artists you need to watch in 2019” chart, DJ and producer mapalma of our sister scene in Zagreb and DJ and visual artist A7ba-L-Jelly from Cairo. This time for real, no compromises.

Slikback is a typical example of an intersection of hyperproduction and the postmodern in the age of the internet, as he has managed to produced over 400 records in just two years of collaborating with the Nyege Nyege festival, which the Ugandan government also tried to shut down, and its labels Nyege Nyege Tapes and Hakuna Kulala. He has also released his first debut EP called Lasakaneku (2018) and the second one at the end of February 2019 called Tomo. His first appearance in Europe on Unsound Festival got picked up by Resident Advisor and got praised for being one of the key performances of the festival, as it showcased a new and exciting perception of the African club culture. Even though it is difficult to affiliate him with a specific genre or type of music, he manages to breathe in new air of experimental eclecticism on the dancefloor, as he plays with different samples of footwork, kuduro, break, drum’n’bass, trap and grime, creating a new futuristic African sound, which is making its way beyond the standard club format.

“The sweetest dopamine hit in music is the one where a sound stops you in your tracks, slackens your jaw, and makes you think: I have never heard anything like this. A first encounter with Slikback is a little bit like that.”

Philip Sherburne for Pitchfork: The 7 Best DJ Mixes of October 2018

Mapalma is a DJ and producer from Zagreb, who has already worked with names like mobilegirl, Staycore and Santa Muerte. Known as the Croatian ambassador of grime, trap, kuduro and ballroom, she has managed to get her records featured on Staycore and Classical Trax labels, while also getting her mixes played on Radar Radio and NTS. After releasing her debut EP Nightcap, she has released a new one called Crybaby just last year, in which she explores human behaviour, nature and technology and what binds them together, by decontextualising samples and different club sounds and elements.

Under the alias A7ba-L-Jelly (aka The Jelly Bitch), Egyptian DJ Donia Shohdy tries to break the mold of typical dance music conventions, exploring unexpected connections between genres and styles, with heavy bass, alien dance beats, dreamy ambient chords and deconstructed hip-hop tracks, diving into the furthest possibilities of electronic expression but then always bringing it back to a beat that keeps you moving. Donia is also the co-founder of the club night/collective “JellyZone” as a concept of merging non-traditional dance music with accessible club vibes.

𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝 ⁽²³.⁰⁰ – ⁰⁶.⁰⁰⁾ + 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕣𝕠𝕠𝕞 ⁽²³.⁰⁰ – ⁰⁶.⁰⁰⁾:
• Slikback •
• A7ba-L-Jelly •
• mapalma •
• Warrego Valles •
• Maša •
• Estera •
• B L N •
• Commercial Break •
• Volk •

We will be holding an artist talk with Slikback in Pritličje before the event.
Ustanova (“The Facility”) is a social structure that makes the rules for behaviour of a larger group of people. With its jurisdictions on the dancefloor, it tries to intervene into public spaces and educate them into a community,

The rules of the dancefloor are not arbitrary but are determined executed by a trustworthy community. Any kinds of verbal or phyisical violence, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, nationalism, racism or other types of oppression are strictly prohibited.
Klub Monokel + Klub Tiffany

Presales in Pritličje:

Membership fee on the door:
8€ < 00:00 > 10€

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