- sobota | 28. decembra 2019 - nedelja | 29. decembra 2019
- 23:00 - 06:00
- Masarykova cesta 24 1000 Ljubljana
/// ENG below
usta nova mi je podaril_a
da spet sem lahko spregovoril_a
še je prostora za upor
Težko bi si zamislile_i bolj primerno gostjo pred zaključkom leta. V Ljubljano premierno prihaja prvakinja na sceni – Luz, promotorka in DJ-ka belgijskih korenin ter soustanoviteljica sestrskega kolektiva Room 4 Resistance, ki je pretekli vikend praznoval 5 let delovanja, v tem času pa pustil pomemben pečat na progresivni elektronski glasbeni sceni.
Room 4 Resistance je berlinski kvir femme in non-binary kolektiv, ki se osredotoča na grajenje horizontalne družbene solidarnosti in ustvarjanje varnih prostorov za marginalizirane skupnosti. Kolektiv gosti intersekcijske sex-positive zabave, radijske oddaje in glasbene podkaste, prav tako pa organizira pogovore in delavnice, ki težijo proti promociji žensk, kvir, nebinarnih, trans oseb in umetnic_kov različnih ras in narodnih pripadnosti, z namenom raziskovanja povezav med političnim in klubskim ter grajenja mostov med različnimi skupnostmi. Med svoje rezidentke_e šteje imena, kot so Luz, Deena Abdelwahed, rRoxymore, Doc Sleep, Nazira in DJ Male Tears. R4R pri svojih stališčih ostaja neomajen – tako je lansko leto izgubil rezidenco v klubu ://about blank, ko se je pridružil kulturnemu bojkotu Izraela #DJsForPalestine, zdaj pa se je zakoreninil v Trauma Bar und Kino, kjer nadaljuje svoje poslanstvo. Kot so povedali v izjavi po incidentu: “In addition to being queer, femme and non-binary forward, trans-positive, and sex-positive, we are anti-racist, anti-fascist, anti-colonialist, anti-apartheid and therefore opposed to the violent oppression of the Palestinian people.”
Verige represije bodo odpadle le s plesom. In korenitimi družbenimi ter sistemskimi spremembami.
/// ENG:
the institution has spoken
our chains must be broken
there is still room 4 resistance
It would be hard to come up with a more appropriate guest at the end of the year. Visiting Ljubljana, for the first time ever, a true head honcho on the scene – Luz, a promoter, DJ and co-founder of our sister crew Room 4 Resistance, which celebrated its fifth anniversary just a while ago and managed to drastically impact and change progressive dance music in the meantime.
Room 4 Resistance is a queer femme and non-binary forward collective from Berlin that focuses on building horizontal social solidarity and creating safe spaces for marginalised communities. They host intersectional and sex-positive raves, radio shows and musical podcasts, as well as organise panels and workshops, which promote women, queer, non-binary, trans, POC individuals and artists of different cultural backgrounds. Their main goal is finding a correlation between politics and the dancefloor and building bridges between different communities. Some of its residents are Luz, Deena Abdelwahed, rRoxymore, Doc Sleep, Nazira and DJ Male Tears. R4R’s position always stays the same – because it supported the cultural boycott of Israel #DJsForPalestine in 2018 the collective lost its residency in ://about blank, but has now rooted itself in Trauma Bar und Kino, where it continues its mission. Like they said in the light of this incident: “In addition to being queer, femme and non-binary forward, trans-positive, and sex-positive, we are anti-racist, anti-fascist, anti-colonialist, anti-apartheid and therefore opposed to the violent oppression of the Palestinian people.”
The chains of repression will break only by dance. And radical social and systemic change.
𝕜𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕟𝕒 𝕕𝕧𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕒 + 𝕤𝕖𝕛𝕟𝕒 𝕤𝕠𝕓𝕒 ⁽²³.⁰⁰ – ⁰⁶.⁰⁰⁾:
• Luz (Room 4 Resistance, DE) •
• Warrego Valles •
• Estera •
• Pobalnika •
• Volk •
• B L N •
• Maša •
Artwork: Luka Lavrenci / Uno Tisto
✳ Pred klubskim dogodkom bo potekal tudi pogovor z Luz. ✳
✳ We will be holding an artist talk with Luz before the event. ✳
Ustanova je družbena struktura, ki postavlja pravila za vedenje večje skupine ljudi. S pristojnostmi na plesišču poskuša posegati v javni prostor in ga vzgajati v skupnost.
Pravila plesišča niso arbitrarna, ampak jih sprejema in izvršuje zaupanja vredna skupnost. Prepovedano je vsakršno verbalno ali fizično nasilje, homofobija, transfobija, seksizem, nacionalizem, rasizem ali druge oblike zatiranj.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _
Ustanova (“The Institution”) is a social structure that makes the rules for behaviour of a larger group of people. With its jurisdictions on the dancefloor, it tries to intervene into public spaces and educate them into a community.
The rules of the dancefloor are not arbitrary but are determined and executed by a trustworthy community. Any kinds of verbal or physical violence, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, nationalism, racism or other types of oppression are strictly prohibited.
Klub Monokel + Klub Tiffany
Članarina na vratih / Membership fee on the door:
5 eur < 00.00 > 7 eur