Kulturni center Q (kluba Monokel in Tiffany)
vabi na T-shirts with quotes fashion exhibition/party
danes,18.06., od 23h naprej.
Za glasbo bo poskrbel DJ Zois, ki bo vrtel najboljše in najbolj zabavno od disca in popa.
Prvih nekaj “opogumljenih” gostov ima zastonj vstop,čaka jih darilce in še…:)
Vstopnina: 3€
Dogodek podpira MOL – Urad za mladino. Kulturni center Q (clubs Monokel and Tiffany)
invite to the T-shirts with quotes fashion exhibition/party
today, June 18th 2010, at 23.00.
Music: DJ Zois (disco & pop)
Entrance fee: 3€
The event is supported by the City of Ljubljana – Youth office.