Lezbično-feministična univerza vas vabi
v ponedeljek, 19. novembra 2012 ob 20.00, v klub Tiffany
na prvi del cikla Feminizem in jezikoslovje – Feministično prevodoslovje.
Tokrat si bomo pobliže pogledale (sicer dokaj marginalen) položaj feminističnih študij v prevodoslovni vedi. Razpravljale bomo o jeziku kot političnem orožju, feministični teoriji v prevodoslovju, tehnikah t.i. feminističnega prevajanja in družbenih vidikih/implikacijah prevajanja.
Doma preberite članek Lori Chamberlain – Gender and the Metaphorics of Translation (v Rethinking Translation: Discourse, Subjectivity, Ideology, ur. Lawrence Venuti, 57–74. London, New York: Routledge).
Za tekst pišite na e-naslov lezfemuniverza@gmail.com.
Lezbično-feministična univerza zagotavlja varen ženski prostor, zato so dogodki v okviru le-te namenjeni le njim. Dogodek podpira Mestna občina Ljubljana in ŠKUC-Kulturni center Q (klub Tiffany). The Lesbian Feminist University is inviting you to
the first part of the Feminism and Linguistics cycle – Feminist Translation Studies
on Monday, 19 November 2012, at 20:00 at Club Tiffany.
This time, we will be taking a closer look at the (otherwise rather marginal) position of feminist thought in the study of translation. We will discuss language as a political tool, feminist theory in translation studies, the so-called techniques of feminist translation, as well as the social aspects/implications of translation.
Read Lori Chamberlain’s article – Gender and the Metaphorics of Translation (in Rethinking Translation: Discourse, Subjectivity, Ideology, ed. Lawrence Venuti, 57–74. London, New York: Routledge).
Hope to see you there!
The Lesbian Feminist University strives to provide a safe space for women and our events are therefore women-only. The event is supported by the Municipality of Ljubljana and ŠKUC – Cultural Centre Q (Club Tiffany).