- nedelja | 28. januarja 2018 - petek | 2. februarja 2018
- 19:00 - 22:00
- Masarykova 24, 1000 Ljubljana
Lezbična četrt
30 let. Kontra.
27. 1. – 3. 2. 2018
Nedelja, 28. 1. 2018
19:00 Kulturni center Q / Klub Tiffany: Otvoritev razstave STRAP-TEASE
Naslov razstave STRAP-TEASE je novonastali diptih dveh besed: striptease in strap on.
Za prvo bi lahko rekli, da gre za dejanje opazovanja, za drugo pa, dejanje delovanja. Obe bistveno ustvarjata percepcijo razumevanja telesa.
Strap-tease kot dejanje skozi subverziven pogled; skozi slačenje, provokacijo, erotiko, vključevanje spolnih praks in fleksibilnost zavzemanja vlog.
Med dvema, tremi… telesi. Dialog in odnos telesa skozi feministično-lezbični pogled.
Strap-tease je formatiranje, golota in prevpraševanje, kako ustvarjati novo vsebino, ki seže dlje od fiksacij.
Razstava želi konfrontirati vprašanja namerne zgodovinske amnezije in izraziti forme osebnega.
Avtorice_ji: Andreja Gomišček, Sara Lovrec Imanoel, Ela Puc, Daphne Channa Horn, Neža Knez, Nada Žgank, Daniel Petković & Urban Belina
Kustosinja: Andreja Gomišček
Postavitev: Tanja Završki
Razstava bo odprta za obiskovalke_ce od ponedeljka, 29.1. do petka, 2.2. med 14:00 in 17:00.
Program celotnega festivala: https://www.facebook.com/events/150517265729631/
Sunday, 28 Jan. 2018
19:00 Kulturni center Q / Klub Tiffany: Opening of the exhibition STRAP-TEASE
The title of the exhibition strap-tease is a newborn diptych of two words: striptease and strap on.
For the first one we could say it is an act of voyerism, and for the second one an act of action. Both are essentially creating the perception of understanding the body.
Strap-tease as an act through subversive gaze; through stripping off, provocation, eroticism, inclusion of sexual practices and flexibility of taking over roles.
Between two, three… bodies. Dialogue and relations of the body through feminist-lesbian gaze.
Strap-tease is a formatting, nudity and questioning of how to create new content which would be reaching further from fixations.
The exhibition aims to confront questions of intentional historical amnesia and to express forms of personal.
Artists: Andreja Gomišček, Sara Lovrec Imanoel, Ela Puc, Daphne Channa Horn, Neža Knez, Nada Žgank, Daniel Petković & Urban Belina
Curator: Andreja Gomišček
Set-up: Tanja Završki
The exhibition will be open for visitors from Monday 29 Jan. till Friday 2 Feb., 14:00 – 17:00.
Kindly invited!
Link to the entire festival program: https://www.facebook.com/events/150517265729631/