- četrtek | 19. novembra 2020
- 19:00 - 21:00
Vabljene_i na online kavarniški večer, kjer bomo čas in (online) prostor namenile_i pogovoru s TransUmetnicami_ki. Več o njihovem umetniškem izrazu, ustvarjanju in delih bodo z nami podelile_i Salome, Nuka Horvat, Verity Ritchie in Orlando Lovekovski. Njihove predstavitve vas čakajo malo nižje, vabimo vas tudi, da vnaprej obiščete in si ogledate njihove spletne strani ali druge povezave do njihovih del, ki so prav tako dostopne poleg opisa. Dogodek bo potekal v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku.
Dogodek bo potekal s pomočjo aplikacije Zoom (brezplačno si jo namestite tu: https://zoom.us/download, vanjo pa se prijavite s pomočjo Google/Facebook računa ali si ustvarite nov račun).
Na dogodek se je obvezno prehodno prijaviti preko prijavnice (https://docs.google.com/…/1qxBb…), na podlagi katere boste na dan dogodka prejel_a povezavo za dostop do srečanja.
Dogodek se bo snemal, zato za zagotavljanje anonimnosti priporočamo izklopljeno kamero in vzdevek/ime po lastni izbiri,
Verity Ritchie is a bisexual gender witch who makes things, such as stories, using the power of words, art using the power of colours, and videos using a combination of these things.
»V otroštvu nisem imela želje po slikanju. Tudi v šoli nisem marala likovnega predmeta. Vedno so mi govorili, da jaz tega ne znam in da nisem za to. Učiteljice_i mi niso znale_i predstavit te vrste umetnosti, niso se mi posvetile_i ali se trudile_i okoli mene. Verjetno so tudi to razlogi zakaj tega talenta nisem odkrila. Pri štiridesetih letih sem se začela zanimati za duhovnost in meditacijo. Takrat sem tudi prvič začutila željo po slikanju; seveda s prepričanjem, da jaz to ne znam, za to rabiš imeti šolo, tečaje, talent. Začela sem z manjšimi slikami, bolj abstraktnimi, katere se mi takrat niso zdele ne vem kaj. Nekaj sem jih celo prodala, vendar temu nisem pripisovala večjega pomena.
Občasno, na kakšen deževen dan, sem se lotila ustvarjanja. To me je zelo pomirjalo, dober občutek mi je dalo to, da sem nekaj naredila z lastnimi rokami. To sem jaz narisala in nihče drug. Zelo lep občutek!
Meseca marca, ko se je začela karantena, tudi jaz nisem vedela kaj bom sama s seboj. Račune bo potrebno plačati, a prihodkov ni bilo. Takrat sem se končno opogumila in sem si rekla, da bom poskusila narediti portret, pa kar bo, bo. Spomnila sem se, da sem kot majhni Nenad na otoku Rab občudovala ulične slikarje, ki so slikali portrete; ko sem prišla do nekaj denarja sem si končno dala narisat svoj portret – niso bili poceni. Obesila sem ga v svojo spalnico in poklicala mami, da ga pogleda. Bila sem vsa ponosna, da sem končno jaz na steni. Mamo so namreč iritirali posterji Boy Georga, Duran Duran, David Bowieja in podobnih takrat velikih glasbenih imen. Ko je mami vstopila v sobo je doživela največji šok. Vpila je« Skini tog pedera s stene a si slišo!!!!« Stisnilo me je pri srcu, od jeze sem pograbila svoj portret. Mami je ugotovila, da sem na sliki jaz in me želela prepričat, naj slike ne uničim. Bila sem tako jezna, da je slika končala na milijon koščkih. Ja, zgodba za kakšno komedijo ali dramo!
V karanteni sem doživela preporod, ugotovila sem da se v meni skriva talent, za katerega nisem vedela, da obstaja. Ponosno in previdno sem svoje umetnine pošiljala najprej mojim prijateljem, ki niso mogli verjeti, da sem to jaz naslikala. V času karantene sem se preživljala s svojim lastnim delom in končno dojela, da ne smemo poslušati okolice, ki nam pravi, da nismo sposobni ali da ne znamo. Prepričana sem, da imamo vse_i veliko talentov, le pogumne_i moramo biti, da pridemo do njih.
Zdaj bolj pogumno vztrajam, v nadalnem življenju in v starosti si želim ustvarjati za svojo dušo in srce.«
Občasno, na kakšen deževen dan, sem se lotila ustvarjanja. To me je zelo pomirjalo, dober občutek mi je dalo to, da sem nekaj naredila z lastnimi rokami. To sem jaz narisala in nihče drug. Zelo lep občutek!
Meseca marca, ko se je začela karantena, tudi jaz nisem vedela kaj bom sama s seboj. Račune bo potrebno plačati, a prihodkov ni bilo. Takrat sem se končno opogumila in sem si rekla, da bom poskusila narediti portret, pa kar bo, bo. Spomnila sem se, da sem kot majhni Nenad na otoku Rab občudovala ulične slikarje, ki so slikali portrete; ko sem prišla do nekaj denarja sem si končno dala narisat svoj portret – niso bili poceni. Obesila sem ga v svojo spalnico in poklicala mami, da ga pogleda. Bila sem vsa ponosna, da sem končno jaz na steni. Mamo so namreč iritirali posterji Boy Georga, Duran Duran, David Bowieja in podobnih takrat velikih glasbenih imen. Ko je mami vstopila v sobo je doživela največji šok. Vpila je« Skini tog pedera s stene a si slišo!!!!« Stisnilo me je pri srcu, od jeze sem pograbila svoj portret. Mami je ugotovila, da sem na sliki jaz in me želela prepričat, naj slike ne uničim. Bila sem tako jezna, da je slika končala na milijon koščkih. Ja, zgodba za kakšno komedijo ali dramo!
V karanteni sem doživela preporod, ugotovila sem da se v meni skriva talent, za katerega nisem vedela, da obstaja. Ponosno in previdno sem svoje umetnine pošiljala najprej mojim prijateljem, ki niso mogli verjeti, da sem to jaz naslikala. V času karantene sem se preživljala s svojim lastnim delom in končno dojela, da ne smemo poslušati okolice, ki nam pravi, da nismo sposobni ali da ne znamo. Prepričana sem, da imamo vse_i veliko talentov, le pogumne_i moramo biti, da pridemo do njih.
Zdaj bolj pogumno vztrajam, v nadalnem življenju in v starosti si želim ustvarjati za svojo dušo in srce.«
Povezava do slik: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/…
Nuka Horvat (1997) trenutno končuje dodiplomski študij ilustracije na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje v Ljubljani. Ustvarja zine, stripe, ilustracije in animacije, ter na teh področjih raziskuje, kaj nesmiselne oblike spreminja v prepoznavne podobe in obratno.
Teme črpa predvsem iz občutkov, ki jih kvir in trans osebe doživljamo ob zatonu kapitalizma.
Teme črpa predvsem iz občutkov, ki jih kvir in trans osebe doživljamo ob zatonu kapitalizma.
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nukahorvat/
spletna stran: https://nukahorvat.cargo.site/
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nukahorvat/
spletna stran: https://nukahorvat.cargo.site/
Orlando Lovekovski
Niki Lapkovski zaključuje magistrski študij na ALUO. Primarno se ukvarja z grafičnim oblikovanjem, prehaja pa tudi na področja ilustracije, slikarstva in stripa. Sodeloval je v večih skupinskih razstavah. V duetu Lovekovski ustvarja glasbo, ko ni karantene z njo tudi nastopa. Najbolj pogreša vrtenje plesnih ritmov v Monoklu kot dj Orlando.
Kindly invited to the online café evening, where we will dedicate time and (online) space to a conversation with TransUmetnicami_ki. Salome, Nuka Horvat, Verity Ritchie and Orlando Lovekovski will share more about their artistic expression, creation and works with us. You can find their presentations lower down the text and you are also invited to check their websites and other links to their works, which are also available in addition to the description.
Kindly invited to the online café evening, where we will dedicate time and (online) space to a conversation with TransUmetnicami_ki. Salome, Nuka Horvat, Verity Ritchie and Orlando Lovekovski will share more about their artistic expression, creation and works with us. You can find their presentations lower down the text and you are also invited to check their websites and other links to their works, which are also available in addition to the description.
The event will be held in Slovene and English language.
Conversation led by: Miha Satler and Katja Sešek.
The event will take place via Zoom application (free download: https://zoom.us/download and sign in with Google / Facebook account or create a new one). It is mandatory to register for the event via https://docs.google.com/…/1qxBb…). You will then receive the link to access the meeting on the day of the event. The evetn will be filmed, so to ensure anonymity, we recommend turning off the camera and use of nickname / name of your choice,
The event will take place via Zoom application (free download: https://zoom.us/download and sign in with Google / Facebook account or create a new one). It is mandatory to register for the event via https://docs.google.com/…/1qxBb…). You will then receive the link to access the meeting on the day of the event. The evetn will be filmed, so to ensure anonymity, we recommend turning off the camera and use of nickname / name of your choice,
Verity Ritchie is a bisexual gender witch who makes things, such as stories, using the power of words, art using the power of colours, and videos using a combination of these things.
»As a child, I had no desire to paint. I didn’t like art at school either. I’ve always been told that I don’t know how to do this and that I’m not good at it. The teachers did not know how to present this kind of art to me, did not dedicate their attention to it or their effort in me. Probably these are also the reasons why I didn’t discover this talent. At the age of forty, I became interested in spirituality and meditation. That was also the first time I felt the urge to paint; of course with the belief that I don’t know how to do it, since you need to have some sort of education, take courses, have talent. I started with smaller paintings, more abstract, which I didn’t think at the time were anything special. I even sold a few of them, but I didn’t pay much importance to that. Occasionally, on rainy days, I started creating. It calmed me down a lot, it made me feel good to do something with my own hands. It was me who drew that, nobody else. A very nice feeling!
In March, when quarantine began, I also didn’t know what I was going to do with myself. The bills will have to be paid, but there was no revenue. That’s when I finally got up the courage and told myself I was going to try to make a portrait, and it will be what it will be. I remembered that as little Nenad on the island of Rab, I was admiring street painters who painted portraits; when I got some money I finally had my portrait painted – they weren’t cheap. I hung it in my bedroom and called my mom to look at it. I was all proud that I was finally on the wall. My mother was irritated by the posters of Boy George, Duran Duran, David Bowie and similar great names of that time. When my mother entered the room, she experienced the greatest shock. She shouted “Take that fagot off the wall can you hear me !!!!” It gripped my heart, I ripped of my portrait with anger. Mom realized it was me in the painting and wanted to convince me not to ruin it. I was so angry that the it ended up in million pieces. Yes, a story for comedy or drama!
During quarantine, I experienced a rebirth, I found that there was a talent lurking inside me that I didn’t know existed. I proudly and carefully sent my artworks first to my friends who couldn’t believe I painted it myself. During the quarantine period, I made a living with my own work and finally realized that we should not listen to those around us who tell us that we are not capable or that we don’t have the knowledge. I’m sure we all have a lots of talents, we just have to be brave to discover them.
Now I persevere more courageously, in my future life and in my old age I want to create for my soul and heart.«
»As a child, I had no desire to paint. I didn’t like art at school either. I’ve always been told that I don’t know how to do this and that I’m not good at it. The teachers did not know how to present this kind of art to me, did not dedicate their attention to it or their effort in me. Probably these are also the reasons why I didn’t discover this talent. At the age of forty, I became interested in spirituality and meditation. That was also the first time I felt the urge to paint; of course with the belief that I don’t know how to do it, since you need to have some sort of education, take courses, have talent. I started with smaller paintings, more abstract, which I didn’t think at the time were anything special. I even sold a few of them, but I didn’t pay much importance to that. Occasionally, on rainy days, I started creating. It calmed me down a lot, it made me feel good to do something with my own hands. It was me who drew that, nobody else. A very nice feeling!
In March, when quarantine began, I also didn’t know what I was going to do with myself. The bills will have to be paid, but there was no revenue. That’s when I finally got up the courage and told myself I was going to try to make a portrait, and it will be what it will be. I remembered that as little Nenad on the island of Rab, I was admiring street painters who painted portraits; when I got some money I finally had my portrait painted – they weren’t cheap. I hung it in my bedroom and called my mom to look at it. I was all proud that I was finally on the wall. My mother was irritated by the posters of Boy George, Duran Duran, David Bowie and similar great names of that time. When my mother entered the room, she experienced the greatest shock. She shouted “Take that fagot off the wall can you hear me !!!!” It gripped my heart, I ripped of my portrait with anger. Mom realized it was me in the painting and wanted to convince me not to ruin it. I was so angry that the it ended up in million pieces. Yes, a story for comedy or drama!
During quarantine, I experienced a rebirth, I found that there was a talent lurking inside me that I didn’t know existed. I proudly and carefully sent my artworks first to my friends who couldn’t believe I painted it myself. During the quarantine period, I made a living with my own work and finally realized that we should not listen to those around us who tell us that we are not capable or that we don’t have the knowledge. I’m sure we all have a lots of talents, we just have to be brave to discover them.
Now I persevere more courageously, in my future life and in my old age I want to create for my soul and heart.«
Link to photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/…
Nuka Horvat (1997) is currently pursuing a graduate degree in illustration at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. They create zines, comics, illustrations and animations, and in these areas they explore what changes meaningless shapes into recognizable images and vice versa. They draw themes mainly from feelings queer and trans people experience in the decline of capitalism.
Orlando Lovekovski
Niki Lapkovski in finishing a Master’s degree at ALOU. They primarily work in the area of graphic design but also move towards illustration, painting and comics and have participated in several group exhibitions. They creates music in the Lovekovski duet and performs it, when there is no quarantine. Because of the quarantine they also miss playing dance rhythms in Klub Monikel as DJ Orlando.
Kavarniški večeri so nastali s ciljem odpiranja javnega prostora ustvarjalkam_cem LGBTQ na vseh področjih umetnosti in želje po ustvarjanju novega prostora za druženje, uživanje ob glasbi, skodelici čaja ali kave, smehu in dobri družbi na pobudo Društva Appareo, Klub Tiffany in Legebitra
Niki Lapkovski in finishing a Master’s degree at ALOU. They primarily work in the area of graphic design but also move towards illustration, painting and comics and have participated in several group exhibitions. They creates music in the Lovekovski duet and performs it, when there is no quarantine. Because of the quarantine they also miss playing dance rhythms in Klub Monikel as DJ Orlando.
Kavarniški večeri so nastali s ciljem odpiranja javnega prostora ustvarjalkam_cem LGBTQ na vseh področjih umetnosti in želje po ustvarjanju novega prostora za druženje, uživanje ob glasbi, skodelici čaja ali kave, smehu in dobri družbi na pobudo Društva Appareo, Klub Tiffany in Legebitra
Namen projekta je ponuditi mladim ustvarjalkam_cem prostor, v katerem bodo lahko zablestele_i s svojim talentom in hkrati gledalkam_cem ponuditi vsebine, ki so sproščene, kvalitetne in naše. Vsak tretji četrtek v mesecu se Klub Tiffany prelevi v elegantno kavarno, ki vabi k druženju, uživanju ob najljubši pijači in predajanju umetniškemu programu, ki ga za obiskovalke_ce pripravljajo mladi.
Če pa se kot LGBTQ+ ustvarjalke_ci tudi same_i najdete v tem opisu in bi si želele_i predstaviti se širši publiki z svojimi deli, glasbenimi nastopi, predstavami in še mnogo drugega, vas vabimo, da nam pišete na katja.sesek@legebitra.si ali kulturnicenterq@gmail.com in tako skupaj ustvarimo čudovit večer.
Kavarniške večer organizirata Društvo informacijski center Legebitra in Klub Tiffany (ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q).
Dogodek sofinancira Mestna občina Ljubljana.
Kavarniške večer organizirata Društvo informacijski center Legebitra in Klub Tiffany (ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q).
Dogodek sofinancira Mestna občina Ljubljana.
Delovanje ter programe in projekte Društva informacijski center Legebitra sofinancira Fundacija financiranje invalidskih in humanitarnih organizacij v Republiki Sloveniji – FIHO. Stališča organizacije ne izražajo stališč FIHO.
Delovanje ter programe Društva ŠKUC poleg lastnega finančnega vložka sofinancirajo: Mestna občina Ljubljana – Urad za mladino in Oddelek za zdravje in socialno varstvo, JSKD in JAK.