Klub Tiffany (ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q) vas vabi na
Golden Chalice Party v petek, 4.2.2011, od 23h dalje.
“Strupeni hlapi se vijejo v zraku petkove noči… Zato se v naše loge vrača The Golden DJ Team, ki vam bo iz svoje Zlate kupe nalil zvrhano mero opojnih melodij in priljubljenih ritmov in vas s tem obvaroval pred vsem slabim ter spravil v nepopisno evforijo.
The finest selection of pop Music provided to you by the Golden DJ Team (Protein & Duki)
Drznite si in sprejmite dar, ki vam ga ponuja v napitku živeča zelena vila ter s tem stopite v neznano…
Vstopnina 3 eur (od 23.00 do 0.00 vstop prost)
Club Tiffany (ŠKUC – Cultural Centre Q) is inviting you to the
Golden Chalice Party on Friday, 4 February 2011, from 23:00 onwards.
“Toxic fumes rise into the air of Friday night… So The Golden DJ Team is back in town, pouring you a hefty dose of intoxicating melodies and popular rhythms from their golden chalice, protecting you from all that is bad and getting you in a wild euphoria.
The finest selection of pop music provided to you by the Golden DJ Team (Protein & Duki)
Be bold and accept the gift offered to you by the green fairy from the potion and take a step into the unknown…
Entry fee 3 Eur (free admission between 23.00 and 0.00)