Benefit – Leo in Transambel


  • petek | 24. maja 2019
  • 20:00 - 22:00
  • Masarykova cesta 24 1000 Ljubljana

(English below)
Transambel – nebinarne melodije s Poldetom
Dobrodelni koncert za zbiranje sredstev za hormonsko terapijo Leopolda Štefaniča, v klubu Tiffany, v petek, 24.5.2019 ob 20h

Pridruži se nam na klenem večeru trans melodij, kjer se bomo v poskočnih ritmih in ob cisnenormativnih kitarskih rifih poveselile_i v zanesnjaški družbi bitij vseh barv in oblik. V pušeljc bomo zbirale_i prostovoljne prispevke za drugo puberteto sosedovega_inega Leopolda Štefaniča mlajšega, iz druge hiše za ovinkom levo. Vidimo se, ko se zagledamo v kozolcu pod Tiffanyem, bližnjega petka 24.5. ob rani 20 uri. Geslo za vstop: baker na baker hormon.

Leopold Štefanič mlajši, nebinarna transspolna oseba, se je rodil davnega leta 1994 v Ljubljani. Kot vsakdo je obiskoval osnovno šolo, ki se je prevesila v gimnazijo. Iz te je prešel na fakulteto, kjer je dokončno lahko sledil svoji strasti in z nekaj manjšimi in večjimi nezgodami in prigodami v disforiji in medčloveških odnosih uspešno zaključil dodiplomski študij geografije, pedagogike in andragogike. Na Aškerčevi ulici 2 vztraja, kjer počasi in zanesljivo dosega magistrski naziv v vodah izobraževanja in učenja odraslih. V prostem času se je naučil žonglirati s študijem, mnogoterimi službami in občasno celo s plesom.

Zato te na tem mestu prosim za tvojo pomoč. S svojo prisotnostjo in prispevkom mi boš omogočil_a odhod na hormonsko terapijo v Srbijo in mi pomagal_a v mojem boju z disforijo. Ker redno študiram, sem ob tem zaposlen za lastno preživetje in je hormonska terapija samoplačniška dejavnost, je vsaka pomoč, ki mi jo lahko nudiš dobrodošla in sem ti zanjo iskreno hvaležen. Zbrana sredstva bodo tako namenjena stroškom pregledov pri endokrinologu_inji, potrebnih krvnih testov, nakupu testosterona in potnim stroškom prevozov v Beograd.
Prostovoljne prispevke mi lahko nakažeš tudi na transakciski račun IBAN: SI56 0205 8118 4641 445, odprt pri NLB, Leopold Štefanič, Ižanska cesta 174, 1000 Ljubljana

Upam, da se vidimo tam!

TransEmble – non-binary melodies with Polde
A charity concert for collecting funds for the hormone therapy of Leopold Štefanič, at club Tiffany, on Friday, May 24th, 2019 at 8 pm.

Join us for a hardy evening of trans melodies, where critters of all shapes and colours will enthusiastically sway together to the lively rhythms and non-cisnormative guitar riffs. Voluntary donations will be collected for the purpose of facilitating the second puberty of one Leo Štefanič Jr., born and bred in the second house around the corner to the left. We will gather at Tiffany’s on the fast-approaching Friday, May 24th, at the early hour of 8 pm. Password: little strokes fell great oaks.

Leopold Štefanič Jr., a non-binary transgender individual, was born in Ljubljana in the distant year of 1994. Like most people, he attended elementary and high school. From there he proceeded to attend university, where he could finally follow his passions and successfully complete the graduate studies of geography, pedagogy and andragogy, with plenty of (mis)adventures involving interpersonal relationships and dysphoria along the way. He persists on Aškerčeva 2, slowly but surely attaining his masters degree in education of adults. In his free time, he has prefected juggling his studies, several jobs and, occasionally, dancing.

And so, this is where I ask for your help. With your attendance and contribution, you’ll provide the means for me to receive hormone therapy in Serbia and aid me in my battle against dysphoria. As a student with a full time job to cover my daily needs, facing the fact that the therapy I seek is self-funded, I truly and greatly appreciate any help you’re willing to give. The collected funds will be dedicated to the costs of endocrinology examinations, the necessary blood tests, the purchase of testosterone and the travel costs of transportation to Belgrade.
If you’d like you can also send me voluntary contributions to my bank account IBAN: SI56 0205 8118 4641 445, opened at NLB, Leopold Štefanič, Ižanska cesta 174, 1000 Ljubljana

Hope to see you there!

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