Klub Monokel (ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q)
vabi na žgečkljiv spomladanski stand up in žur – samo za ženske!
V soboto, 24.4.2010, v klubu Monokel.
Najprej nas bosta od 22ih dalje zabavali Josiane in Urška Sterle s svojima stand up nastopoma.
Smeh bo ogrel trebušne mišice, za razgibanost ostalih pa bosta poskrbeli
DJ Ganzza in DJ Cherry (dark rock, indie, postpunk).
Dresscode: butch, femme, Amazonke, športnice, lipstick lesbians, ….vabljene prav vse!
Vstopnina: 3 eur
Vabljene, da pokukate za zaveso in se nasmejete ter naplešete do onemoglosti!
Dogodek podpira Mestna občina Ljubljana – Urad za socialo in Urad za mladino. Club Monokel (ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q)
invite to Spring stand up and party – only for Women!
On Saturday, April 24th 2010, in club Monokel.
First we will laugh with Josiane and Urška Sterle while their stand up show.
Music: DJ Ganzza in DJ Cherry (dark rock, indie, postpunk).
Dresscode: butch, femme, sportswomen, Lipstick lesbians, … you’re all invited!
Entrance fee: 3 eur
Peek behind the curtain, smile and dance to exhaustion!
The event is supported by the City of Ljubljana – Youth and Social office.